The Ethics in Sports and Life: Becoming a Better Citizen

The Ethics in Sports and Life: Becoming a Better Citizen

Do you ever feel that you would like to gain control over your life? Do you ever feel depressed due to emotional conflicts? Do you admire those who are happy all the time and bring happiness to the people around them? Once you realize the nature of your mind, all of this will be remedied.

Ethics in sport, ethics in life, and ethics in administration. The intuitive concept can be perceived by many, but in practice the concept of what is thought to be ethics is further away than we can imagine. Not to mention the meaning of ethics in management, which extends to various moments of life and becomes standard for our daily habits. There is a huge difference between the sportsman and the player. One practices sport for the ethics and standards of living that add to the administrative ethics of both his life and his profession, sport. The other uses various artifices, especially psychological ones and commercial tactics, harmful to society, sport and fair, clean and cordial competition. For the player: The means justify the endThe judge's job is to know about the penalties I just playWin at any costIt's only cheating if caughtPsychological warfare and verbal abuse are part of the game.Social media and social networks are for personal attacks A man speaks by his acts, private practices and the life he lives for himself and others. Be the man you want, but bear the consequences of your choices and experience day after day, without complaining or blaming others. For the athlete: Teams and their members and coach follow specific rules for their categoryResponsibility for the actual intent of my position in eSportSimple, clean and integrated image of me and my teammatesWhat doesn't work for me as a negative won't work for othersRespect and responsibility are present in life, so anywhere, anytimeWoe is he who even unnoticed practices one or more of these negative and destructive scores, described above, in relation to the player. Not to mention those that are not mentioned here but that are equally, or even more negative, destructive and disruptive. Let's take, for example, offenses in any match: "in the heat of the game anything goes, what I say there is only at that time, without real intention". So the mother who is offended is not a mother at that moment, or she stops being a mother for her good or ill will. What did you learn or should have learned about education or character no longer exist when playing? Just at the time, in the place where it should most be present? So we can say that the game is justification for the faulty attitude, so the game is not a safe or good place for us to be good people, right? These justifications are certainly and logically human excuses viz and harmful both for electronic sports and for life, because here we are discussing something human flaw, because the game itself is mechanical, virtual and mathematical in its essence, but in its simplicity it it's just that, virtual numbers and information. What makes this or that game what it is are the inherent concepts and attitudes of us its users. But we judge the concept of ethics in terms of education and harmful behavior based only on our emotions because even by logic there would be no justification for our unethical behavior, because we are the cause of a certain technical failure when we lose the objective that we would like to be achieved in a certain match or the like. Really, the lack of ethics is intrinsically linked to the most animal side of our humanity, and the behavior justified by something that we give up, in exchange for an excuse for the lack of ethics, is even more animal, because we believe in our own lie, in our fault and we even intensify the permissiveness of this attitude of this behavior even more when we do so. A man speaks by his acts, private practices and the life he lives for himself and others. Be the man you want, but bear the consequences of your choices and experience day after day, without complaining or blaming others. But don't allow yourself the luxury of knocking down those who are by your side for acts they didn't choose but that will affect them indirectly and even directly coming from their private and wrong choices and not by their own choice. Ethics is directly linked to conduct, also in the case of sports, for the good and healthy coexistence with other sports practitioners, for the simple fact of knowing that by the victory of others you will also grow, because without competitors, you will not be a champion or winner in anything. , for nothing at any time. The only competition you'll have is with yourself, without fellow sportsmen on the other side, you'll fight with yourself, and you'll end up losing too. Unfortunately "fair play" is altered and influenced by personal and commercial interests. But nothing escapes time and in the end everyone ends up paying right here for the attitudes and decisions taken for themselves and for others, even if indirectly. We will address in other articles, for example, about the practices of negotiation of games, negotiation of athletes and other aspects of these practices that are also included in the ethics of sport. Play fair with yourself, who will play lipo with everyone around you. Fair Play always, ethics and correct conduct always! Let's not forget our lexicon: Ethics: 1 - Part of Philosophy that studies moral values and the ideal principles of human conduct. It is normative science that underpins philosophy. Keep it up with us! Subscribe to our newsletter and stay update about our actions, plans, and much more! I agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and I declare that I have read the information that is required in accordance with Article 13 of GDPR, and Article 9 of LGPD. Subscribe

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